Do cultural challenges hinder your peace, balance, and wellness? Individuals in the Asian community often find it difficult to seek counseling services due to cultural stigma. These pressures can be overwhelming, and range from family and generational differences to bi-cultural marginalization. Because of this, rates of depression and anxiety are[…]
Are you experiencing discomfort with your identity, and need confidential guidance or support? Despite increasing acceptance of diverse populations in the SF Bay Area, the LGBTQQI (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Questioning, Intersex) community continues to experience unique social pressures and expectations. These pressures often present additional concerns for individuals who[…]
Do you experience emotional suffering after a loss, and do you seek support in this tough time? Have you lost someone or something important? Are you consumed by sadness or regret? Do you feel like a part of you is missing, and you’ll never get it back? Are you living[…]
Have you experienced a threatening event, and you wish it would stop haunting you? Have you been directly or indirectly affected by a traumatic event? Is it difficult to stop thinking about what happened? Are you avoiding or affected by people, places, or experiences that relate to the event? Do[…]
Are there difficulties between you and loved ones, and you hope for more positive relationships? Most people dream of having a happily-ever-after. However, people often forget that all relationships need maintenance, and unresolved relational turmoil can lead to fighting, breakups, and split families. Relationship challenges can happen to anyone of any[…]
Do you feel overwhelmed with stress, and wish you could overcome it? Stress affects us all. It can affect anyone of any age, any ethnicity, and any cultural background. While some stress is normal, too much stress negatively impacts emotions, concentration, decision-making, relationships, behaviors, and self-confidence. If untreated, chronic stress[…]
Do you feel extreme fear or tension, and wish it would just go away? Do any of the following apply to you? Do you feel excessive worry and uncontrollable restlessness? Does it seem impossible to relax? Are you overwhelmingly self-conscious and afraid of being judged? If you said “yes” to any[…]
Do you feel stuck in sadness, and want your suffering to end? Do any of the following apply to you? 1. Do you feel like life is taking a downturn, and you don’t know why? 2. Are you having feelings of[…]